Jake Moynihan, the coarse and bristled Chicago South Sider, has made a promise to return his father's bones back to the USA for a Christian burial. But love and conflict drive him to distraction as he and his lover, Lindy, pursue revenge against Muslim Azerbaijan.
Conor Moynihan, the youthful leader of House Kedar, has unwittingly been caught up in an assassination plot against the Azeri President. As Conor battles the forces the Dark Triad, he is driven to the verge of madness by those who have kidnapped his beloved Tali.
More than suspense, more than thriller, Fire & Wind is a fast-paced, modern drama, played against the unnerving rattle of extremists on the world stage. Fire & Wind is the second book of the Moynihan's Journey series.
April 2019; a lady named Elaine M. from Fort Meyers, Florida
Just finished Fire and Wind....amazing. I cannot get over the wealth of detail about locations, military matters, geography, food, culture, etc that really draws the reader into the story as it unfolds. I like what is happening with Jake and Conor. When is the sequel coming.???
March 2019; from Dallas, Texas; Margaret E.
I just finished a 2-day marathon of Fire and Wind. Stunning! Do I get a hint of a trilogy? Will Connor, as Jake wonders, be able to save the clashing civilizations? How will Jake fare as an Illinois politician? What will be Lindy and Mike’s fate as drone warriors? Will Lindy and Jake ever get back together? Will Jake ever go back to Azerbaijan? Ooh, so many possibilities...
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